
Senin, 19 Mei 2014

How to play dota on Ps 3 and the controller and How to Turn Your Samsung Galaxy S3 into an Effective iPhone Cloneo

 Being a purely console gamer until I started playing Dota I found it hard to get used to the keyboard, I kept pressing the wrong buttons and Items were pretty difficult to manage. Ive been playing with a keyboard for all my games up until now and I'm sitting on around 360wins/loses so its not like I just started playing. This is the controller setup, with I think the default keyboard controls for Dota.

I hold the left half or the controller with my left hand and use the mouse normally with my right hand. I think it works pretty well especially if your better with a controller than a keyboard, the best part is that you can lean right back in your chair and play Dota. It may take some getting used to but only like 4 or 5 games, that's what it took me anyway.

To set up the controller I used 2 programs, Motionjoy ( to connect the controller to my computer (also supports xbox360 controllers) and a hotkey program called Autohotkey ( First I configured the controller to the keys in the picture by making the controller buttons represent the keyboard keys which was easy.

Then I had to use Autohotkey to make the combination buttons (L1 plus Dpad) because Motionjoy doesn't support button combinations. Autohotkey uses a script to change keys, this is the script I used to make the button combinations work. LControl & q:: send 1 return LControl & w:: send 2 return LControl & e:: send 3 return LControl & r:: send 4 return And there you go, You can play with a PS3 controller. If you Learn more about Autohotkey you can also add more keys by using L2 + Dpad, so you can use cancel, D, F or any other keys. you can also add chat options like X = enter+shift, and O = "get rekt", stuff like that. hope I helped some people out, PC nerds gonna hate.

How to Turn Your Samsung Galaxy S3 into an Effective iPhone Cloneo 
You've finally converted from an iPhone to a Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone. Great. Only now you're overwhelmed with the unfamiliar look and feel of the Android operating system. Switching from Apple to Android can be a tough transition, but you'll eventually get used to it—even love it. To help ease the process, you can temporarily turn your new Android smartphone into an iPhone clone simply by downloading a few apps from Google Play. Image via So, whether you're a recent Apple-to-Android switcher, or a weird hipster contrarian that wants to buck the establishment, the following five apps will help bring that iOS look to your new Samsung Galaxy S3 (or other Android smartphone). Springboard Clone There are a few iOS springboard plugins for Android, but none of them take the all encompassing approach that Espier Launcher does. This launcher transforms the standard Android UI into an exact replica of the familiar iOS springboard. It also includes the hold-to-delete function, double-tap to view open apps, and the ability to rename and move apps to different home screens. Lockscreen Clone Espier Screen Locker is a free app still in beta, but has received good reviews and really does emulate the iPhone lockscreen with accuracy and includes nearly all of its features. Images via You can't even really tell the difference, can you? Reminders Clone Reminders iOS Style is a free app in the Play Store that mimics the look and feel of the standard iOS Reminders app. I used Reminders on my iPhone all the time, so I know everyone could use some help remembering what's on their to-do list. Images via You can create a checklist of items to do, create calendar reminders, repeat events, and much more. If you're new to the GS3 or Androids in general, this is an easy to use app to help you stop forgetting. There's also the free Espier Reminders app, but they haven't implemented English support yet. Notifications Clone The notifications center for the iPhone is one of the more recent additions to iOS and definitely one of the most useful ones. It provides users with an all-in information deck, including recent alerts, new emails, app notifications, weather, time, date, and other system information. To mimic this look on your Android, try out the free Espier Notifications. Images via Working in conjunction with Espier Launcher and Espier Reminders, Espier Notifications will display app alerts, text messages, and reminders all in one convenient location. You will need to have the Espier Launcher installed for this addition to work correctly. Keyboard Clone A.I.type Keyboard is a really cool free app that not only makes your S3 keyboard look like an iPhone's, but it comes loaded with a bunch of other awesome features. Images via You can mimic the keyboard for nearly any popular devices, like Windows Phone, Blackberry, and the old Android Ice Cream Sandwich layout. There is also an auto-correct notification bubble that pops up before the phone simply corrects something you're trying to write. The app is really smart and can suggest the next word and learns previous words you have entered. Cool features like this are limited to 14 days on the free version, so if you want those ones for good, you're going to need A.I.type Keyboard Plus, which will cost you $ 3.99. Any more iOS apps for the Samsung Galaxy S3 or any other Android device? Let us know what we missed in the comments section

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