
Senin, 19 Mei 2014

online survey

1.What is your name?
2.    What is your gender?
a.     Male
b.    Female
3.    What is your grade?
a.     7
b.    8
c.     9
d.    etc
4.    If you have an Ipad or you already have it , what do you want to do?
a.     Playing games
b.    Use social media
c.     Doing your homework
d.    Etc
5.    If you have Ipad 2 will you change you Ipad into Ipad 3?
a.     Yes
b.    No
6.    If yes why? If no why?
7.     If you want to download a game at app store but it wasn’t free you must pay it before you download it, Will you buy that apps or not?
8.    If yes why? If no why?
9.     Will you download an apps so illegaly? If yes why? If no why?
10.                       Will you download something is not fo good for you?
11.                       If yes why? if no why?
12.                       If you have a laptop what will you do?
a.     Playing games
b.    Doing homework
c.     Something that is bad
d.    Social Media
e.     Etc
13.                       If you want to download something will you do piracy or not?
14.                       If yes why? If no why?
15.                       If you have a microsoft program like microsoft what will you do?
16.                       If you have microsoft 2010 then you want the new microsoft, do you download illegaly without paying?
17.                       s
18.                       Do you want to crack a program?
a.     Yes
b.    No
19.                       What is your favorite app at your laptop
20.                       What do you think if you the one who have a program then someone don’t want to buy it using money and crack it, what do you do and how do you feel?


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